Ennaltahekäisevät työterveyspalvelut

A wide range of preventive health care services

Our mission is to promote the competitiveness of our customer companies by improving the personnel’s working capacity and function in co-operation with the Company.

Digitaaliset palvelut parantavat työterveyspalveluiden saatavuutta

Digital Services

Our comprehensive digital services include an online appointment, chat-service, softwares for managing work-ability and reporting and also an occupational health care portal.

Kokonaisvaltaiset sairaanhoitopalvelut

Comprehensive occupational health care services

Efficient health-care services together with solid preventive occupational health care services promotes employees’ well-being at the workplace.

Työhyvinvointi on sekä työntekijän että yrityksen yhteistä etua

Services for occupational well-being

We will help your company to reach the maximum level of work-ability and well-being with effective actions and services.

Work-ability services

Well-being and motivation increase the satisfaction towards work and will promote employees’ ability to work until retirement.

Finla logo

Courses and questionnaires

Our services include various courses and questionnaires that are tailored to the individual needs of the company.

Do you want to hear more about our services?

Our mission is to improve your personnel’s working capacity and function, which will lead to more profitable business. We ensure that by providing our comprehensive and constantly developing occupational health care services. If you want to hear more about our services, please contact us.

Contact us to learn more!