
Kauppiaskatu 4 C, 20100 TURKU

The nearest door to Finla Työterveys is at Börsin pöheikkö side. The door says: Dentå | Finla.

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri at 8-16

Sun at 10:00–14:00 only remote services available, no local reception. There is no reception at the station at all, but we serve our customers centrally by phone or through OmaFinla.

Laboratory samples

With an appointment.

From 2.1.2023 onwards samples will be taken Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.



Anne Uotila

Occupational health doctor

Henrietta Lehto

Occupational health specialist doctor

Occupational health doctor

Jaakko Hurme

041 730 9869

Occupational health nurse

Janne Rantasaari

Responsible occupational health psychologist


Katri Mäkelä

Tel. +358417325813

Occupational health nurse

Maija Välilä

Social and rehabilitation specialist in occupational health services

Paula Paavola

044 773 8202


Peter Kvist

Occupational health doctor

Tea Ehro

Occupational health nurse and team manager

044 768 5033

Occupational health nurse

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