

Rautatintori metro station is closed from June 3rd to September 1st, 2024. The metro’s terminal stations are the University of Helsinki (in the direction of East Helsinki) and Kamppi (in the direction of Espoo). The missing section of the metro is served by trams 9 and 9B.


Salomonkatu 17 B, 5th floor, 00100 Helsinki.

Occupational health center opening hours:

Mon–Fri at 8:00–16:00
Sat–Sun closed

Customer service opening hours

Our customer service phone number is +358 325 639 555.

Mon–Thu 7:00–18:00
Fri 7:00–16:00
Sat–Sun 10:00–14:00

Remote services

You may also use our remote services via OmaFinla application or go to web booking.

Laboratory samples

  • By appointment on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7:40 a.m. to 9:00 a.m (referral required, blood and urine samples and heart film)
  • Quick samples (crp, A-strep): by appointment on Monday to Friday (under the guidance of a doctor or nurse)


Kamppi’s occupational health center is located on the 5th floor of the Autotalo B stairwell. Main entrance from the doors between Kela and K-market to the lobby. From the elevator lobby on the left to the 5th floor.


Paid parking spaces can be found in the Autotalo parking garage on the ground floor, from where you can take the elevator directly to the 5th floor. Entrance to the parking garage from the Runeberginkatu side.



Ahmed Tadji



Elina Haaga


Hanna Jumisko

Tel. 041 732 2675

Public health nurse

Hannalea Wigforss

Social and rehabilitation specialist in occupational health services

Heidi Ruohotie

Managing occupational health psychologist

Currently on family leave


Jaana Nyholm

050 330 2161

Occupational health nurse

Leni Lehtovaara

Occupational health nurse and team leader

Tel. +35841 732 5160

Occupational health nurse

Martti Rechardt

Occupational health specialist doctor

Occupational health doctor

Tuomo Vähäsarja

Managing occupational health specialist doctor

Occupational health doctor

Virpi Jouhki


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