Anu Pekki
Managing Director
tel. 050 367 3060
Riikka Matilainen
Service Director
tel. 050 555 1045
Minna Arvaja
Leading Occupational Health Doctor
Seija Saarinen
Financial Director
tel. 040 740 0391
Minna Porentola
Customer Service Assistant
tenders, contracts
tel. 050 465 3517
or 03 256 39 777
asiakkuustiimi (at)
Kirsi Tulkki
Customer Service Coordinator
tenders, contracts
tel. 040 584 5862
or 03 256 39 777
asiakkuustiimi (at)
Tytti-Emilia Mattila
Administrative Assistant
tel. 050 308 3517
Noora Riihinen
B2B Marketer
Anu Lammi
HR Coordinator
tel. 041 7324 034
Anneli Pekkala
Patient ombudsman
tel. 044 7052 572
We are owned by our customers
Finla is a strong pacesetter for the occupational health services in Finland. We provide centralized occupational health services on the partnership principle for our clients. The special thing about our operations is our focus on occupational health care, which enables investment in high-quality, expert services and development work.
We started our operations as an association called Tampereen Työterveys ry in 1973 and we are still fully owned by our customers. That makes us a reliable, genuinely Finnish and local company.
Board members 2024
Laura Airaksinen, KTM
Tuotantojohtaja Pasi Antinmaa, Nokian Renkaat Oyj
Toimitusjohtaja Reijo Havonen, Vertex Systems Oy
Toimitusjohtaja Marika Metsähonkala, Helsingin Seniorisäätiö
Hallituksen jäsen Timo Jänne, Linkosuo Oy
Chief People Officer Kati Korolainen-Kujala, Kiilto Family Oy
Johtaja, Ihmiset ja muutos Minna Sarsama, Saarioinen Oy